
24 de marzo de 2014

A Comedy to Damn Us All: The Hypocrisies of the Crimean Debate

If you read CNN or BBC, you might be worried about those damned old Russians invading the Crimean peninsula. Or, you might “know” about how the Crimean’s were forced to vote for that joke of a referendum which got a 97% vote for joining the Russian Federation.
“Impossible!” you might say, “Who would ever want to be a part of the new Russian Empire, it must be false!”
However, what you won’t see on Western media are the crowds of hundreds of thousands of people in the Crimea shooting fire crackers, singing the Russian national anthem, waving Russian flags, and crying with joy due to their return to their homeland. Never mind the fact that the Crimean’s are deathly afraid of the Kiev government after the recent banning of the Russian language in the Ukraine. Never mind the fact that the absolute fascists in Kiev are the ones controlling the play at the moment.
Disagree with this analysis? Think the U.S.A. and Germany would never back a far right government? There are plenty of examples. One such example is a man named Ihor Yosypovych Tenyukh. He holds the cabinet position of minister of defense. Also he was and still is a member of the far-right Svoboda party. This is a party that was behind the racism during the past Euro cup matches and caused western governments to boycott the games in Ukraine.
So the German government completely bans and criminalizes far right nationalists in their country, but endorses, funds and defends far-right nationalists in Ukraine. I think we know the definition of hypocrisy, and I think we can thank Germany for such a great display of this concept. However, they are not the only government with a joke of a policy.
The Ukraine has deep and somewhat bitter divisions between the Russian speaking east, the Ukrainian speaking west and the Crimean peninsula. Yet, when Ukraine shows its scary side, the U.S. decides in this one case of human history that this is not “legal”. The U.S., along with almost all of central and western Europe supported the break-up of the former Yugoslavia, the Arab spring, and past African secessions, i.e. north and south Sudan. So why should the country of Ukraine be the one exception to all of the countries being split by revolution?
Well, balkanization of Ukraine simply wouldn’t fit the narrative of a country despotically controlled by outside forces (the Russian Federation). As it looks now, the Crimea has already become part of Russia, and the population centers in eastern Ukraine are up-in-arms, many demanding the same right to self-determination exercised by the Crimean peninsula. Furthermore, many of these people are demanding to become part of Russia once again. But of course, the Western media has made it very clear of there position, Russia is meant to become weaker by the coup-de-ta, not strengthened. We will simply have to wait and see what the U.S. government has in-store for act three of this drama.
Although hypocrisy abounds in this scene of geopolitical theatre, there could be massive consequence for the likes of the simple people. Thankfully the media has been reporting extensively on the fact that the “Putch” government in Kiev is actively militarizing its eastern border with Russia. Also, we all know of the American F-16’s sent to Poland recently. So, again, the West accuses the Russians of threatening military force, but they are actively working to prepare for a military conflict. All it will take is one fanatical Svoboda party member to fire one shot over the border to send us into a conflict, the likes of which have not been seen for over 70 years.

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